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Lessons from Luca

I stopped and started writing this a long time before Luca was sick. She had a way of living that I learned from. Here are some lessons from Luca.


  • If you love yourself others will love you too

    She just assumed people would think she was awesome, and ran up with the greatest confidence that she truly was. It has just simply never occurred to her that people might not like her. She was like, I am frickingawesomeAMIRITE? All the time. Oftentimes people would agree with her. Including people who never loved dogs before. This includes positive body image. As a young lass she was so enamoured with her own butt that she tried to stick it in peoples (other dogs) faces at the same time as looking them in the eye and pointing out to them how fricking great it was.


  • Some people are amazing, most are pretty great, but some are arseholes

    She was quite particular with people. Whilst she never barked at, or bit people...she was far more elegant, giving the silent treatment and ignoring the ones she didn't like. The ones she was really excited got high pitched yelping and sometimes wee. The glorious irony was when she bumped into them in public places, people would presume the people she adored had just kicked her because she was screaming. Good times.


  • Run into parties bursting with enthusiasm. Fuck that too cool for school hipster amble. GET IN THERE! HOWSITGOINMYBITCHES!


  • Sleep is great. Particularly on beds. Taking up as much space as possible is a challenge that humans on beds could do better with.


  • Walks are awesome. If mud or water is involved: Bonus points.


  • Saying goodbye can be traumatic. But there will always be people around to make friends with you in unfamiliar places.


  • The beach is the best. Don't worry too much about that swimming malarkey and FOR LORDS SAKE never go out further than you can stand. That shit is for crazy people. Just enjoy the shore. And stealing other peoples balls.


  • Just being there can be the most important thing

    Luca calmed down people who were suicidal, spoke out (barked out?) against domestic violence, she would sit quietly with people who needed it. She couldn't speak the same language but stayed when people needed her.


  • Roadtrips.... ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAADTRIPS. Destination: who knows, and who the fuck cares. As long as the company is good, its all about the getting there. And the advantage of being a dog and not having opposable thumbs is that people don't expect you to drive.


  • Enjoy living on a pirate ship. These opportunities don't come round often.


















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